Data Backup & Recovery

Data Backup & Recovery Solutions

What would you do if you walked into your office and all of your equipment was stolen? What if a bad storm causes a power surge that kills your server? Maybe you or one of your employees deletes an important folder of information? How would you react if your personal hard drive crashed and all of your family photos and personal files were gone? The truth is, your data is at risk every day. Would you be able to retrieve all of your client information or family pictures quickly if one of the many risks that threaten your data does destroy your files? Would you be able to get your business back up and running without your most critical information?

Managed Backup

Protecting your irreplaceable business data is now one of the single biggest challenges facing small businesses. Viruses, hacker attacks and other cyber threats are now a part of daily life and your computer network is open to intrusion unless you secure it.

Backup & Disaster Recovery

If the power in your office fails tonight, all of your computers crash, and your server fails to come back up, how quickly can you recover? At what cost? In these days of ‘always on’ business and the threat of cyber attacks, maintaining an effective back up and disaster recovery strategy is becoming more important than ever before.