IT Security

Cyber Security You can forget the days of receiving erratic and unpredictable bills for IT services.

Let’s face it, there will always be security threats to your business.
There are news reports every day about security breaches, stolen information, hackers, and viruses.
Disadvantages of Technology in our Life
You can forget the days of receiving erratic and unpredictable bills for IT services. You can say goodbye to attempting to fix something yourself because you think it will be cheaper and faster. Adios to the days of dealing and negotiating with technology vendors that are trying to oversell your products you don’t really need. You will no longer have to worry about being bounced from vendor to vendor when you have a problem.

Managed Antivirus

Anti-Virus Protection is a No Brainer. With the ever the increasing threat of cyber attacks, its more important than ever to protect your network from unknown malware infections. You simply can’t risk running an unprotected PC or server on your network. ALL CTRedbridge’s Support packages incorporate a free fully managed Anti-Virus Solution for this reason.

Firewall & Security

CTRedbridge’s hosted telephony service provides an extensive range of fixed and mobile capabilities suitable for any sized business looking to improve its productivity and image.
Network security is no longer a nice to have for any business, it is a must-have for all businesses — from the smallest SMB to the most complex Enterprise.
IT Security
The number of Cyber attacks is at an all-time high and showing no signs of slowing down. Cybercriminals appear to be focussing on small-midsize businesses as they see them as easy targets compared to large organizations that have dedicated security teams. It is possible to avoid falling victim to these malicious Cyber attacks without adding extra staff.